Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Sir Philip Sidney’s defence essay, “An apology for...
Sir Philip Sidney’s defence essay, â€Å"An apology for poetry,†refers to poetry â€Å"as an art of imitation [†¦] [that] speaks metaphorically†(Ferguson, Salter Stallworthy, 2005: 331). Sidney’s essay epitomises the pivitol importance and art of creating poetry. From the 1500’s to the 1660’s, England found itself a process of complete rebirth of all its important facets. Transformation in its social and cultural, as well as philosophical and religious approaches was evident. This transformational process, with regards to literature, resulted in the redesign of old, successful forms, such as the Petrarchan sonnet. Francesco Petrarch, the genius behind the 14th century Petrarchan sonnet, was legendary in creating a form in which to convey†¦show more content†¦These include the structure of fourteen lines, the specific rhyme scheme and thematic preoccupation with love. Petrarch decided to split these fourteen lines into two p arts: an octave of eight lines that posed a concern or problem, immediately followed by a sestet of six lines that offered a solution to this mentioned issue. This became a very effective way of communicating frustrations of the courtly lover, who was synonymous with Petrarch’s sonnets. Courtly love’s characteristics were that of a â€Å"courtly lover [who] idealizes and idolizes his beloved. [He would] subject himself to her [†¦] suffer agonies of body and spirit [†¦] but remains devoted to her [in] adherence to a rigorous code of behaviour†(Abrams Harpman, 2012: 66). This absolute dedication of a passive lover that will do anything at the request of his haughty beloved, is an image that seems to be the same in some of the sonnets of both Wyatt and Spenser. It is however, only with close investigation that one realise how both these poets adapted the theme slightly to make it seem as if their sonnets followed the same poetic tradition, even though it disguised it as something different. Both Wyatt and Spenser changed the rhyme scheme of the Petrarchian sonnet, subsequently an indication of how both theses English
Monday, December 16, 2019
Varying representations, interpretations of and attitudes towards death Free Essays
Murderous, entrenched, complex – the Northern Ireland conflict seems to defy rational discourse. But from the contradictions and tensions has sprung some remarkable art, not least the poetry of the Troubles, now widely recognised as among the most vibrant contemporary writing in the English language. Through the six poems mentioned the theme of death is very prominent. We will write a custom essay sample on Varying representations, interpretations of and attitudes towards death or any similar topic only for you Order Now We start with â€Å"Tollund Man†and â€Å"Grauballe Man†. In these two poems Heaney portrays the deaths as a tragedy, but opposed to his other poems, he refers hear mainly to the physical appearance of the bodies. In â€Å"Tollund Man†he starts the poem with a very vivid, striking description of the body, and expresses his desired pilgrimage. Heaney focus’ mainly on the period after death in this poem and describes how its miraculous preservation has made it seem to become one with the earth â€Å"she tightened her torc on him†. Heaney seems in awe of the ‘corpse’, which after death the body has taken on a Christ like appearance â€Å"I could risk blasphemy†. This death does not have any direct relation, as such, to Heaney, and therefore does not have the same sort of heartfelt mourning. None the less Heaney still seems to care greatly for this Bog body and elaborates on the condition in which the body was found. He uses these details to create himself his own story of their life leading up to their gruesome murder. In the last section of this poem Heaney refers to the â€Å"sad freedom†that comes with death, and how now he will be grouped as a statistic with Bog bodies found in the various other locations. The Tollund Man now has his freedom, but at a high price. Heaney finishes with a personal reference to his own sadness: â€Å"I will feel lost, unhappy, and at home†Here he is referring (as he does in a number of his poems) to the violence in Northern Ireland, to demonstrate how he has become accustomed to death. Similarly in â€Å"Grauballe Man†Heaney describes the body as if it has become one with the earth. As with many poets Heaney agrees that there is a fine line between sleep and death. Here the Grauballe Man: â€Å"Lies on a pillow of turf and seems to weep†Heaney personifies the lifeless body, describing him as if asleep he continues this and lets the bodies take on other animal qualities â€Å"his spine an eel arrested†but he maintains its peaceful image. Again here he uses vivid imagery â€Å"the vent of his of his slashed throat that has tanned and toughened†to convey the way in which this almost angelic body lays. He does not want to refer to the body as a corpse and he asks the rhetorical question â€Å"Who will say ‘corpse’ to his vivid cast?†Similarly to the Tollund man given the body a more holy image than simply a rotting corpse. By the end of the poem Heaney has become familiar to the body and answers to himself his rhetorical question. Heaney draws up the conclusion that there is a fine line between beauty and atrocity. He uses blunt, monosyllabic word sounds such as slash[ed] and dump[ed] to represent the harsh reality of the world and what man has turned it into. Being used to death is something that has influenced a lot of Heaney’s poems. This is an incredibly sad poem. The mood is set almost immediately in the second line: Counting bells knelling classes to a close. Notice how Heaney uses assonance and alliteration to emphasise the funereal sound of the bells and the feeling of time dragging. The stanza begins with the â€Å"morning†in line one but it is two o’clock in line three showing that hours have passed in waiting. The second stanza begins with the image of Heaney’s father â€Å"crying†. Having come across Heaney’s father in poems such as Follower in which he appears to be a strong man of few words, this contrary picture evokes powerful emotion in the reader. Heaney skilfully takes the reader with him as he enters the house through the porch – we meet his father, â€Å"Big Jim Evans†, the baby in its pram, the old men congregated in the room and finally Heaney’s mother c oughing out â€Å"angry tearless sighs†. Lines 14-15 again show Heaney using assonance, this time in his repetition of the short â€Å"a†– â€Å"At†, â€Å"ambulance†, â€Å"arrived†, â€Å"stanched†, â€Å"and†, â€Å"bandaged†– emphasising the stopping short of blood and life. We learn in the sixth stanza that Heaney hadn’t seen his brother for six weeks having been â€Å"Away at school†. The words â€Å"Paler now†, hang at the end of the stanza causing a sad pause before the sentence continues and describes how little changed in appearance the boy is in death, the difference being his paler complexion and â€Å"poppy bruise†. The final line stands out on its own. Almost every word is emphasised so that the reader must take in the line’s message and the shock and deep grief that the family must have felt. There is an element of shock for the reader reading it for the first time also, when they discover who has died and that he was a mere four years old. Again in Funeral Rites it is a person close to Heaney who has died. In this poem Heaney describes him self as being very close to the deceased, playing the part of the pallbearer, he uses here a double entendre as he â€Å"shoulders a kind of manhood†as he is only a child. As in â€Å"The Tollund Man†and â€Å"The Grauballe Man†Heaney begins with a vivid description of the body with its â€Å"dough white hands†and â€Å"igloo brows†. Heaney uses phrases such as the black glacier of each funeral pushed away†to demonstrate how darkness is synonymous with death. In the second section of this poem, Heaney also concentrates on the period straight after death as in â€Å"Mid-Term Break†. However here he focuses on the funeral procession linking it again with the violence in Northern Ireland: â€Å"Now as news comes in of each neighbourly murder we pine for ceremony, customary rhythms:†Heaney shows he has become accustomed to death and how the formalities after death are simply for show. Heaney, once again, creates a solemn atmosphere in the second section describing the slow moving procession paying their ‘respect’. He personifies the funeral procession as it â€Å"drags its tail†morbidly through the streets and side roads of Ireland. In the last section Heaney brings together the themes of his own childhood experience of death, deaths in the north at present and the death of Gunnar, a Viking hero â€Å"dead by violence and unavenged†. This demonstrates the futile waste of life conflict has caused over many centuries, and sending a powerful message to the reader. In the poem â€Å"Limbo†Heaney touches on the controversial subject of Religion. Heaney casually introduces the subject of the poem, with a newspaper style headline: â€Å"Fishermen at Ballyshannon Netted an infant last night Along with the salmon†He tags on the end of the first to line†-along with the salmon†making it sound as if it is nothing out of the ordinary. Following this he concentrates on the actual death of the bastard baby, murdered by his own mother for the sake of religious beliefs. Heaney describes how the baby was rejected by its mother and discarded, although not without feeling: â€Å"He was a minnow with hooks Tearing her open.†This shows how strong some peoples convictions really are, and how they are prepared to die, or to kill for them. He uses vivid imagery and descriptive language to try and out across the pain, emotion, and brutality of the situation. The mother has to choose her baby or her religion, and being a strict Christian chooses Catholicism and drowns her own child ironically in contrast with the teachings of the bible. He ands mentioning the place where the body of the child now lays, in â€Å"some far briny zone†where the water is too harsh â€Å"Even Christ’s palms, unhealed, Smart and cannot fish there.†The last poem, Casualty, is more of a story than the others are. It describes an elderly man who is a local customer at a bar in Ireland. He is fond of a drink but is able to control him self and maintain dignity. He is content to sit at a bar and watch life go by him. Out of respect he attempts to speak of poetry, but is clearly not at ease with this, so Heaney changes the subject. Although he is â€Å"laconic†he has a great presence, but his confidence eventually leads to his downfall, and this is how Heaney builds up emotion in the reader. He presents a figure that he describes in great detail and becomes attached to. This man does not think he should have to obey a curfew and is killed out on the street. Heaney describes how graffiti on the wall compares lives to goals in a football match. Heaney demonstrates his emotion in the harsh situation, and provokes emotion in the reader by creating a very solemn mood. In the second section Heaney moves on from this particular case to the general brutality in the Ireland conflict. He uses phrases such as â€Å"coffin after coffin†and â€Å"common funeral†to demonstrate how, tragically, death and violence have become an accepted part of life. Heaney then goes back to the solemn story of the man from the bar, who was simply carrying out his usual routine. He did not think he should be confined to his home for someone else’s evils. This shows how the killings were not discriminate and he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Heaney then goes on to say how he did not attend the funeral, but instead reminisces on his times spent with the man. Heaney seems to find falsehood in funerals, and would prefer to sit in isolation and think back to the time when he â€Å"tasted freedom with him†. Now the man is free and has no longer to face the arduous tasks of life, or the cruelty of man. Throughout Heaney’s poems he expresses his distaste of mans cruelty towards their own species. Heaney expresses his views on the futility of violence with inspiring confidence. In each of his poems he manages to use many different literary devices and provokes thought and emotion in the reader. His language is poignant and yet not aggressive and at the same time he is presenting a very valid set of arguments. How to cite Varying representations, interpretations of and attitudes towards death, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
A comparison of Frederick Douglass, Benjamin Franklin Essay Example For Students
A comparison of Frederick Douglass, Benjamin Franklin Essay In our class, Survey of American Literature, we have read and analyzed the classic American works that have Influenced and In some cases Ingrained themselves Into our countrys identity and belief system. Among those studied has been Benjamin Franklins Autobiography, Ralph Wald Emerson essays, The American Scholar and Self -Reliance, and Frederick Douglass Narrative. Each of these covers a vast amount of subjects that could be discussed, but one that proves most compelling is the topic of education. These three men, who come from different life circumstances and have eared philosophies of life, each came to define the uses of education in their own ways. However, they do all seem to express the notion that education can be used to empower ones self. In Benjamin Franklins Autobiography, comes through to me as a perfect example of the American dream, that being the Idea that no matter where you come from, you can achieve almost anything with hard work and dedication. Coming from a lower- middle class Boston family to being one of the most famous Americans of all time is the classic rags to riches story that he himself lived out. The way he achieved this as by being self-educated. When looking at Franklins life, it could be said that he is a Renaissance man because he did so many things; he was a printer, a writer, an inventor, a scientist, and a statesman, and the only thing he had a formal education of was of printing. This American dream that Is still deeply ingrained in our society today though, always seemed to be a bit of a myth to me. I dont think It Is right to say that if you are willing to work hard enough, you will always achieve success. Things are not that simple. Of course hard work can get you places, but some people work very hard their entire ivies and still dont achieve success due to unfair circumstances. I would say that success is achieved not only by hard work, but also by the right circumstances and a bit of luck. It seems to me that Franklin did not view education as what is important in life. What is important to him is what you accomplish in life. He talks about success and how to achieve it, and education is only part of that. l grew convinced that Truth, Sincerity and Integrity In Dealings between Man and Man, were of the utmost Importance to the Felicity of Life Pig. 268, Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography (Part 1 The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Not that education could be seen as unimportant to him. He did create the flirts ever almost certainly felt that education was of great importance. It is Just that I think he viewed education as a necessary means to get to the greater goal of being a successful person. Ed ucation was a way to prepare oneself for success. Ralph Wald Emerson was a Transcendentalist, and therefore had a somewhat different take on education. He believed that all people are inherently divine. According to him, we all know truth in hearts but we often dont recognize it or express it. I think he wants people to listen more closely to themselves for answers to heir questions. Education can be used to inspire us and help us realize our truths. In The American Scholar, Emerson says the true sources of education are nature, the mind of the past (most influential being books), and the action taken of the heroic mind. In nature he believes we see a visible representation of what is in your self, and that is ultimately divine. .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 , .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 .postImageUrl , .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 , .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3:hover , .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3:visited , .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3:active { border:0!important; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3:active , .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3 .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2004de722555a7056c52af9c2c93b9d3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Causes and Effects of World War II EssayAnd because true wisdom lies within, books can help bring it out. What is most interesting to me is that of taking action with the knowledge you have. I think here he relates to Franklin in the thought that an education is no good if you dont go and use it. His definition of action: The preamble of thought, the transition through which it passes form the unconscious to the conscious, is action. Only so much I know as I have lived Pig. 519, Ralph Wald Emerson, The American Scholar, The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Without action, a person would never experience the life issues that they studied. That would make it impossible to fully understand or form an opinion over almost anything. Gaining knowledge will only be important if it is applied through action, and validated by action. Emerson sees education as way to inspire your own mind, ND in turn, help you on a road of self-discovery in your own wisdom. Frederick Douglass comes from the most difficult circumstances (to put it lightly), being that he was enslaved and a black American in the 19th century. His autobiography is a story of self-discovery; he details how his growing awareness of his condition, through his self-acquired education, propelled him to re-imagine himself. He had to learn to think of himself as a human being rather than as a beast of burden, as a free man rather than as a slave. This required him to educate himself at the risk of brutal punishment and then to take the even greater risk of an escape attempt. After one failed try that could easily have cost him his life, he succeeded the second time. Douglass story is one of self-reliance. To him, education was necessary to his survival because it offered him a first step to get out off life of slavery. l understood the pathway from slavery to freedom Though conscious of the difficulty of learning without a teacher, I set out with high hope, and a fixed purpose, at whatever cost of trouble, to learn how to read Pig. 946, Frederick Douglass, Each of these men, Franklin, Emerson, and Douglass, viewed the need for education for seemingly different purposes. Franklin, who focused on how to be a successful person understood that education, was an important step in preparing oneself for future accomplishments. Emerson felt we all had the answers within, but saw education as a way to prompt our understanding of those inner truths and convince us to express them. Douglass used education for survival and a small ray of hope that he would not remain a slave forever. But what is true of all these men is that education was used to better themselves, theyre understanding of the world around them, and to then educate others through their literary works. To educate the self is to empower the self.
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